Third Annual Windy City Showdown!

Third Annual Windy City Showdown!

April 12-14, 2024

Pyramid Sports Bar
236 W Lake St
Addison, Ill. 60101


Entry Fees:

    • $100 main event pre-paid, $120 at the door
    • Venmo @Philip-Rumley, Paypal philiprumley1
    • $20 Blind Draw Doubles


    • Friday 5pm-close – Doubles tourney $20 per player
      Blind draw 1 upper division player paired with 1 lower division player

    • Saturday 12 noon-5pm – qualifying for main event
      Will be 6 random 18-hole rounds with set conditions which will seed all players into 3 divisions.

    • Saturday 7pm until close – start h2h bracket play for all 3 divisions

    • Sunday 10am-4pm – complete bracket play for all 3 divisions


    • Double elimination, H2H 18 hole matches.

    • All matches will be played on Pro Settings, minimum silver, No Mulligans, No Strokes.

    • If tied after 18 holes, play back 9 of same course, sudden death, 1st player to win a hole wins the match)


All matches will be played fairly and honestly without the use of any third party tools (virtual tools or physical tools) or assistance to complete the matches. You may not campaign while in the middle of a h2h match. No use of a screen line while playing any qualifier matches or h2h matches. Whether it be app/os enabled on the screen or a physical modification to the device. All matches are to be played at a table, with your opponent sitting at the same table. You may play on your own device at anytime. If you are streaming, your device must be compatible with IT’s system or you will have to use another streaming device that is compatible.

Golden Tee Mobile Player Nickname
10 digit playerid found on your player profile screen in the GTM App, then click the Friends Tab